10 Stranger Things Finale Theories So Bizarre You Will Drop on Floor Laughing

Fans have been head over tails obsessed with Stranger Things

since it came out. And you can see why, with its shocking twists and supernatural element, the show has people going crazy over it, and many have taken this obsession upon themselves to come up with different possible theories of the show’s end. From Reddit threads to endless tweet threads, Tiktoks, fan theories are going viral and they simply do not stop. 

While some theories seem kind of spot-on, many are so out of the box that you cannot help but laugh. Sit tight for this one, because these theories are too wild to take seriously.

Vecna and Eleven become buddies

What if, in a plot twist that would leave everyone gaping at the screen, Eleven and Vecna, the hero and villain of Hawkins, decided to bury the hatchet? Try picturing this: instead of their usual showdown, Eleven sees the hurt Vecna’s been through and extends an olive branch and Vecna takes it promising to leave Hawkins be. 

It is quite the touching emotional parting but, honestly after all this journey and fights all building up to the biggest showdown yet, it would come as a big disappointment if they waved the white flags now. 

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The ultimate plot twist where Eleven can travel through time!

Imagine, if Evelyn on who the whole series is based on suddenly finds out she can travel through time. That would be a crazy revelation, yes but it just means the whole of Stranger Things its adventures and plots will be for nothing. Because she could easily take a trip back to the past of Hawkins to stop that creepy lab from ever opening its doors. By doing this, she makes sure neither she nor Vecna ends up under Dr. Brenner’s thumb and keeping the gate to the Upside Down shut. 

This theory is wild because wiping out these events also means erasing the very adventures that make Stranger Things

so thrilling. It would erase the whole concept of the storyline, meaning there would probably be no Stranger Things. 

Pennywise vs. Vecna, an ultimate IT crossover?

Here’s a wild fan theory for you: what if Pennywise from IT is actually a creation of the Upside Down? Because of the many similarities of the series to Stephen King’s work in IT, fans have taken to draw comparisons between the two and now even speculate an IT crossover. Now, this crossover theory sounds like a really crazy spectacle to watch, but in the end, it would just be two monsters fighting each other bringing more damage and at most, a comma to the city of Hawkins rather than an end to the series, leaving all sorts of gaps. 

Vecna surrendering himself to the authorities

Could you possibly imagine the series ending with Vecna suddenly getting a conscience and surrendering himself to the authorities for all the crimes, and killings he has done? And, there is more to this, Evelyn would help get his human form back and then he would surrender and receive a life sentence. 

Now, if this is how the series ends, people would be beyond enraged and disappointed. You can expect stones being pelted at screens, probably. Because a plain vanilla conclusion like this just would not fit and it would make all this wait for the finale a void. 

Max dies after her coma

Remember how Stranger Things 4

ended with Eleven diving into Max’s mind and yanking her back from the edge of death and Max ending up in a coma? Now, Max’s coma left all fans with a major cliffhanger, and they were quick to jump to conclusions, all abuzz with all sorts of theories about what was next for Max.

Among all these speculations, is one where Max comes out of the long coma only to meet her death. Now that is just sad and would pour all the efforts of the group down the drain. Leaving a very sour end, and also just meaningless for her to have lived on.

Vecna seeks redemption and sacrifices himself

What is it with these Vecna redemption theories? He has been this evil genius behind so much pain and suffering that a sudden change of heart feels too convenient. Honestly, this would steal the thunder from the heroes’ journey and the satisfaction of watching them finally take down the villain they have been up against all along. This whole Vecna’s redemption arc might be a fun little thought experiment, but it does not really sit well with the progression of the series.

Barb returning in the finale

If you have watched Stranger Things,

you know Barb, Nancy’s best friend from the first season. When Barb met her death early in season one itself, it left fans very bummed. So much so that they even started the #JusticeForBarb movement, hoping for her return. Some fans started cooking up wild theories about her surviving in the Upside Down and making a grand comeback as a hero to take down Vecna. It is a fun idea, yes but honestly it is quite the far stretch. 

Stranger Things is just Will’s imaginary world?

Now here is an odd picture for you- think about if Stranger Things

which started with the game of Dungeons & Dragons was just that at the end of it all, an imaginary game! This is an absurd image even to think off because as much as this end would tie up perfectly with the beginning of the story, it would leave so many loopholes and the fans restless. 

A Stranger Things ending, where Will turns his D&D sessions into a shared adventure that blurs the lines between fantasy and reality. Where it was all just his imaginations running wild would cause quite the ruckus. 

Eleven and Will are siblings from the Upside Down

It is not new news that Eleven and Will share a deeper connection when it comes to the Upside Down, with Will’s bizarre experiences and Eleven’s psychic powers seeming to link them in some mysterious ways. These mysterious ways have again left room for theories to flood in such as them actually being siblings. 

Eleven and Will, being siblings, could explain a lot of their connections. But if this were true, it would open up into a whole other storyline, leaving multiple potholes in the story as with the big question that will remain, of how are they siblings, is Eleven Joyce’s daughter, or Will, not Joyce’s son. It would just be an all too messy-ending.

Hopper’s coming alive only to die again.

In the wild world of Stranger Things

, it is nothing new for people to rise from the dead as it was with Jim Hopper, who danced with death. Remember, in Season 3 when everyone thought he sacrificed himself to close that pesky portal to the Upside Down, only to pop up in Russia in Season 4? Now, some fans are wondering if the show might pull the same trick again. Could Hopper be back for another heroic sacrifice, but this time he stays dead? 

This theory is quite the bust because by bringing Hopper back it would simply make his previous comeback feel hollow, like he came back just to die. It would not give any depth to the story’s end, but actually might take away from it. 

Whether these ideas make you chuckle or leave you stunned, one thing is for sure: fans are having an absolute blast spilling their most controversial takes ahead of the final season.

The actual finale might be a showstopper, but these finale theories definitely make the wait a whole lot more entertaining! 

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From hilarious plot twists to bizarre Stranger Things

predictions, these are some of the most funny ideas you simply cannot miss!

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