
In the glittering cosmos of Hollywood achievement, Netflix has transformed from a digital upstart to an awards juggernaut, leaving its mark on the 2025 Oscar ceremony with bold, red brushstrokes. The streaming titan’s constellation of victorious films illuminated the Academy’s night sky, with Zoe Saldaña’s career-defining first Oscar shining as the brightest star. Following past triumphs like Roma
and Coda
, Netflix continues to cultivate a garden of golden statuettes, proving that revolutionary storytelling transcends platform boundaries.
The streaming monarch’s Oscar dominance soared to new heights, clinching twin victories
that captivated the industry’s imagination.
Netflix’s path to Oscar glory
The Only Girl in the Orchestra
orchestrated a perfect symphony of documentary storytelling, conducting its way to Oscar gold while amplifying women’s voices in classical music. Meanwhile, Emilia Pérez
became Zoe Saldaña’s triumphant vessel, sailing her toward Best Supporting Actress glory after years navigating Hollywood’s competitive waters
. These twin masterpieces highlight Netflix’s knack for curating bold, diverse narratives, bringing critically acclaimed treasures from around the world to your screen.
Zoe Saldaña is a first-time Oscar winner for her performance in EMILIA PÉREZ.
“I am the first American of Dominican origin to accept an Academy Award, and I know I will not be the last!” pic.twitter.com/GRiJ8JV7Mb
— Netflix (@netflix) March 3, 2025
Netflix’s 2025 Oscar tapestry features an impressive thirteen nominations for Emilia Pérez
alone, weaving a pattern of recognition across categories from Best Picture to technical achievements. The platform’s artistic palette extends to Maria
, a soul-stirring portrait of opera legend Maria Callas, alongside the whimsical clay-animated world of Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl
. This cinematic feast continues with nominations for The Six Triple Eight
, The Only Girl in the Orchestra
, and Anuja
, demonstrating Netflix’s commitment to storytelling diversity that transcends genre boundaries.
Read More: Katy Mullan’s Promise Falls Flat as Cynthia Erivo’s Oscars Moment Fails to Materialize
Beyond Oscar’s gilded realm, Netflix has magnificently transformed into entertainment’s premiere awards destination.
SAG Awards live on Netflix
Capturing the Screen Actors Guild’s ceremonial magic for global audiences on Netflix
, the 31st Annual SAG Awards, hosted with charm by Kristen Bell, unfolded as a dazzling prelude to Oscar night. Streaming live to millions, the event celebrated performance excellence, drawing Hollywood’s brightest stars into the spotlight. The evening buzzed with energy, as talents from both film and television were honored by their peers, creating an electric atmosphere that set the stage for the much-anticipated Academy Awards.
finding out sag is only on netflix and scrambling to buy a subscription pic.twitter.com/9NrIOABJbi
— hannah ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ (@bananapopsicies) February 23, 2025
The streaming pioneer’s Oscar journey reflects its meteoric rise from content curator to cultural kingmaker. Netflix’s growing collection of acclaimed works, from Marriage Story’s
emotional depth to Roma’s
visual poetry, has established an artistic legacy that resonates through Hollywood’s hallowed halls. Zoe Saldaña’s historic victory represents merely one jewel in Netflix’s increasingly impressive crown, solidifying the platform’s position within entertainment’s most exclusive circles while redefining how audiences worldwide experience award-worthy cinema.
Read More: Oscars to Stream on Netflix Starting 2026? Here’s The Truth About The Rumor
What do you think of Netflix’s Oscar-winning titles? Let us know in the comments if you are planning to stream them.