Goes without saying, Will Smith
is one of the most successful actors in Hollywood- in terms of both financial and critical acclamation. From Men in Black
, Independence Day
, and Ali
to Bad Boys
, the Oscar-winning actor has showcased his range in multiple genres. However, that said, there have been times when even Smith has lost his golden touch. A big example of that would be Wild Wild West-
a 1999 steampunk Western film directed by Barry Sonnenfeld. The infamous bomb, starring Smith and Kevin Kline, has both diehard fans and staunch critics.
25 years since the movie’s release, here is everything about the polarizing project and if it is available on the streaming giant, Netflix.
Is Wild Wild West available on Netflix?
Not every decision Will Smith made throughout his three-decades long career has turned to his advantage. In fact, some of them proved to be major misfired. Wild Wild West
, which was a commercial and critical failure, proved to be fatal to his career, despite boasting a cast that featured stars like Salma Hayek and Kenneth Branagh. Even so, the movie has managed to build a fanbase of its own. However, unfortunately, Netflix users will not be able to uncover the ‘why’ to the movie’s growing popularity, as it has been removed from the platform in 2022.
FTM Will Smith’s female gait in
the movie, ‘Wild Wild West’
1999 pic.twitter.com/Q4By25cHo4— Bill Facio (@37Lemons) December 17, 2024
The film is, however, available on Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Apple TV and multiple other lesser-known streaming platforms. Even Will Smith himself considers Wild Wild West
a mistake. In 2021, the actor participated in GQ’s Actually Me
series and responded to a Quora question asking about his best and worst films. While he claimed Men in Black
and Pursuit of Happyness
as his best, for the worst, he said, “I don’t know, Wild Wild West is a thorn in my side
.” Earlier, he also revealed why he chose to be a part of the 1999 film in the first place.
Smith shared some introspective remarks about the project and what pushed him to jump on board for making the Barry Sonnenfeld dud.
Will Smith revealed his thoughts on Wild Wild West
As reported by The Hollywood Reporter in 2016, Will Smith, during his session at the Cannes Lions series, shared his motivations behind doing Wild Wild West
. In those days, with back-to-back success, Smith confessed that he felt pretty invincible. He was under the impression that he could make anything a success with his star power, even when he did not believe in the project and its potential.
“I found myself promoting something because I wanted to win versus promoting something because I believed in it
,” confessed Smith while reflecting on his Wild Wild West
days. However, after the embarrassing failure,
Smith vowed that he would tune in with fans’ needs as well and not “trick them
” into watching a disappointing movie. Nonetheless, despite the actor’s underwhelming thoughts on Wild Wild West
, the film still has some very high-profile defenders, including Keanu Reeves, who has been on record about his love for the 1999 Smith starrer.
Read More: Will Smith As Popeye the Sailor Man: Debunking Almost A Year-Old Rumour
What do you think about Will Smith’s Wild Wild West
? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!